Eggs are good for you!

Eggs help fight disease! The American Egg Board tells us that studies have shown that the consumption of eggs are associated with a reduced-risk of breast cancer, helps overweight adults lose weight, and that eating eggs, rich in choline and betaine, may help reduce the risk of inflammation associated with chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, bone loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

An egg a day is OK! Cracking the Cholesterol Myth. Eating one egg per day does not increase a healthy person's risk of heart disease or stroke, according to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. The American Heart Association states “One egg contains about 213 milligrams of dietary cholesterol. The daily recommended cholesterol limit is less than 300 milligrams for people with normal LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. An egg can fit within heart-healthy guidelines for those people only if cholesterol from other sources — such as meats, poultry and dairy products — is limited.”

Other Healthy Start News

"Egg Nutrition and Heart Disease : Eggs Aren't the Dietary Demons They're Cracked up to Be." News from Harvard Health. Harvard Medical School, July 2006. Click here to read more!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are good for your health and are found naturally in eggs. Incredible Edible Egg." Omega-3 Fatty Acids. American Egg Board, n.d. Web. Aug. 2012. Click here to read more!